6. African and Afrodescendant Cultural Heritage. Identities, Narratives, Tensions.

Diego Buffa
National University of Cordoba & National University of Tres de Febrero (Argentina)
Maria Jose Becerra
Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero & Universidad Nacional de Cordoba (Argentina)
Germán Santana Pérez
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)

African art and with it its cultural heritage was denied during the period of colonization. Their manifestations then responded to that of primitive peoples, within the scope of Anthropology and Ethnology. However, since the African independences, there has been a vindication of their culture and with it their heritage. In the American case, this will happen mainly when the idea of the nation state, those who formed it, its historical construction, etc., begins to be put in tension. This recovery coincides not only with the rescue of this legacy in Africa but also, somewhat later, with the heritage of Atlantic Afro-descendants, both in Europe and America. UNESCO has played a fundamental role in this reactivation and enhancement, albeit not without controversy. The large amount of World Heritage of European heritage in Africa has been a point of difficulty in the identity acceptance of this heritage.


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