55. Casamance: memories, powers, tensions and local initiatives in the new Senegalese context.

Universitat de Barcelona, Departament d'Antropologia Social

After the last elections in March 2024, all eyes are on the new context both in the Casamance region in particular and for Senegal in general. In recent years, and following the long protests against the arrest of the leader Ousman Sonko, the ideas of the winning party in the Senegalese elections have made a strong impression on a large part of the Casamance population, especially among the youth, awakening new hopes in the region, where the initiatives (economic, social, artistic…) of the local communities are inexhaustible: from the project for the recognition of the Maad appellation of origin presented at WIPO to the international meetings of the Arts of Ziguinchor, through the various ecotourism initiatives, to name a few. In parallel, the region has been accumulating complex situations for years: the trafficking of hardwoods in border areas (Ba et al. 2021), the struggle of several collectives to prevent the exploitation of zircon in Kabadjo and Niafourang (in the northwest of Bignona) (Descroix and Marut, 2019; Diatta, 2020), the depletion of fish stocks due to overexploitation by large European companies, the progressive salinization of rice fields due to rising sea levels (Marut, 2015)…. All this without forgetting the initiatives of several young people to go into the ocean and try to find a better life in Europe… And without forgetting either the unresolved tensions between the government and the association of victims of the shipwreck of Le Joola, more than twenty years later. At the political level, the MFDC and the Senegalese government signed a new peace agreement in August 2022 that allowed the consolidation of a certain calm in several corners of Casamance. However, definitive peace has not arrived in the area – as has historically happened in other peace agreements – and in some places armed clashes continue, not to mention the effect of landmine explosions that continue to cause casualties among both civilians and the military (without going any further, one exploded at the end of 2023 not far from Sindian, north of Bignona, causing the death of 4 soldiers) (Diédhiou, 2021; Gomes, 2021; Serna, 2021; Mendy et al, 2021; Thior et al. 2021; Garcia Moral, 2022). In addition, the repression and imprisonment of several people accused without evidence of belonging to the MFDC has continued in recent years (Diatta, 2020; Tomàs). All this continues to recurrently cause the exile of numerous people to the neighboring countries of The Gambia and Guinea Bissau (Zanker, 2018; Gomes, 2019). This evolution of the conflict is accompanied by the emergence, during the last few years, of studies on the memory of the early times of conflict, which the younger generations did not know (Bassène, 2015; García Bosque, 2023). In this context, indigenous associations, especially women’s associations, traditional authorities, religious leaders, non-governmental organizations, etc., continue to work in various ways for a definitive installation of peace, always facing very complex challenges (Niang, 2021; Rudolf, 2021; Tomàs, 2021). All this, in addition, accompanied by new events in the border context. For example, in the Joola lands of Guinea Bissau, the new king of Kerouhey (or Caroai) was presented a few months ago, which opens the possibility of a consolidation of peace in the border area near Oussouye – where King Sibilumbay, as well as Queen Alise Oumoy, continue to work actively for peace in contact with other traditional authorities. In short, this panel, in the line of meetings on Casamance in other academic events (such as the one that took place, for example at the Iscte-IUL in Lisbon, in February 2019), aims to bring together the different research recently completed and ongoing as well as proposals for future research projects in relation to the socio-political situation of Casamance with the idea of presenting a multidisciplinary state of the art on the area in the Iberian world (from anthropology, history, geography, international relations, economics, etc.).


Ba, Boubacar Demba y Luc Descroix (2021) «Analyse de Quelques Conséquences du Conflit de Casamance sur les Ressources Forestières dans le Département de Bignona (Sénégal)», Cadernos de Estudos Africanos [En línea], 42 | 2021 http://journals.openedition.org/cea/6713; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/cea.6713

Baum, Robert (2021) « Religious Roots of the Casamance Conflict and Finding a Path Towards its Resolution», Cadernos de Estudos Africanos [En línea], 42 | 2021, http://journals.openedition.org/cea/6673

Bassène, René Capain (2015): Casamance. Récits d’un conflit oublié (1982-2014). Paris: L’Harmattan.

Bermond, Léa, Pape Tahirou Kanouté y Stéphane Fournier (2020): Etudes ex ante de la création d’une indiaction géographique sur le Madd (Saba senegalensis) dans la région naturelle de Casamance au Sénégal. Organisation des Nations Unis pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture. Rome.

Contijoch, Marta, Romina Martínez y Manuel Delgado (2021): “Klandos y Jakartas. Informalidad y Estado en dos sistemas de movilidad urbana en la Baja Casamance, Senegal”. Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana www.aibr.org, Volumen 16, Número 2 Mayo – Agosto 2021 Pp. 397 – 418.

Mark W. Deets, “ A National Struggle: Senegalese wrestling and Casamançais separatism”, Cadernos de Estudos Africanos [Online], 42 | 2021 http://journals.openedition.org/cea/6629

Descroix, Luc y Jean Claude Marut Luc Descroix, Jean-Claude Marut (2019). L’exploitation des sables métallifères du littoral casamançais (Sénégal): un projet à risques. Regards géopolitiques, 2015, 1 (3).https://ird.hal.science/ird-02157678

Diatta, Xavier (2020). Casamance. Les geôles du mensonge. Récit. París: L’Harmattan.

Diédhiou, Paul y Eugène Tavares (2021) « Le Conflit de Casamance : Comprendre les motivations individuelles d’enrôlement des nationalistes du MFDC», Cadernos de Estudos Africanos [En línea], 42 | 2021, http://journals.openedition.org/cea/6650.

Evans, Martin (2015). Youth, opportunity and conflict in Casamance. Peace Insight.

Foucher, V. (2023). La Casamance et la topographie morale de l’État sénégalais. Dans : Boubacar Barry éd., Comprendre le Sénégal et l’Afrique aujourd’hui: Mélanges offerts à Momar-Coumba Diop (pp. 447-462). Paris: Karthala.

García Bosque, Amaia (2023) Conflicto y memoria: el caso de Pointe Saint-Georges en la Baja Casamance (Senegal). Tesi de màster. Universitat de Barcelona.

García Moral, Eric (2022) “Casamance separatism (Senegal)” en Timothy Stapleton (ed.), Modern African Conflicts: An Encyclopedia of Civil Wars, Revolutions, and Terrorism, Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO, 2pp. 71-73.

Gomes, Antonieta (2021) O Difícil Processo de Resolução do Conflito de Casamansa: Uma mediação pode ter êxito?”, Cadernos de Estudos Africanos [Online], 42 | 2022, http://journals.openedition.org/cea/6660

Gomes, A. R. (2019). O conflito de Casamansa e as relações de poder na Senegâmbia: Senegal, Guiné-Bissau e Gâmbia. Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, (38), 217-237. https://doi.org/10.4000/cea.4592

Marut, J.-C. (2015). Changement climatique, paix et développement : des choix citoyens, actes de l’atelier Eaux et sociétés face au changement climatique dans le bassin de la Casamance, Zinguinchor, Sénégal, 15-17 juin 2015, L’Harmattan, Paris (à paraître).

Mendy, Victor, Mamadou Thior y Oumar Sy (2021) « Le Conflit Politico-Militaire en Casamance, un Facteur Déterminant dans la Mise en Valeur des Terres de la Commune de Niaguis (Ziguinchor – Sénégal) sans titre», Cadernos de Estudos Africanos [En línea], 42 | 2021, http://journals.openedition.org/cea/6725.

Niang, Soukeyna (2021) « Un Processus de Paix Genré ? Les limites de la mobilisation des organisations féminines pour la paix en Casamance», Cadernos de Estudos Africanos [En línea], 42 | 2021, http://journals.openedition.org/cea/6638;

Nóbrega, Álvaro (2021) « O Conflito de Casamansa: Uma perspetiva geopolítica», Cadernos de Estudos Africanos [En línea], 42 | 2021, URL: http://journals.openedition.org/cea/6623.

Rudolf, Markus (2021). « For Us, Women are Sacred: Gender and conflict in the Casamance», Cadernos de Estudos Africanos [En línea], 42 | 2021, http://journals.openedition.org/cea/6644.

Serna Salichs, Tomàs (2021). « Anti-Mine Action and Liberal Peace in Casamance, Senegal», Cadernos de Estudos Africanos [En línea], 42 | 2021, Publicado el 25 mayo 2022, consultado el 31 mayo 2024. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/cea/6663; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/cea.6663

Thior, Mamadou, Djiby Sow, Edouard B. Diouf, Issa Mballo, Dramane Cissokho, Tidiane Sané y Paul Diédhiou (2021) «Quand les Attaques Sporadiques Armées Recomposent les Activités de Pêche en Casamance Maritime», Cadernos de Estudos Africanos [En línea], 42 | 2021, http://journals.openedition.org/cea/6680.

Tomàs, Jordi (2021) « « Notre Assemblée Nationale, ce sont les fétiches » : L’importance des conceptions de la société traditionnelle diola dans le règlement du conflit casamançais», Cadernos de Estudos Africanos [En línea], 42 | 2021, http://journals.openedition.org/cea/6635.

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