5. Military coups in the Sahel

Fousseyni TOURE
Université des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques de Bamako/ Faculté des Sciences Administratives et Politiques

Description of the subject The Sahelian states have been plagued by a series of military coups d’état that have led to a malaise within democratic institutions. Even if several factors – such as the failure of electoral systems or constitutional changes – are cited to explain this resurgence of coups d’état, many questions remain as to the true intentions of the military in power. The resumption of control over security issues by the juntas and the repositioning of military alliances raise questions about the stakes and prospects of military coups in the Sahel. Taking a decolonial approach, the aim of this panel is to analyze the military transitions underway in the military Sahel and the neo-sovereignist mobilizations behind them. Based on a comparative approach, the panel will also examine the political and social dynamics, as well as the geostrategic and territorial reconfigurations underway in the Sahel through the Alliance of Sahel States (AES). At the intersection of political science, anthropology and sociology, this panel will look at the role of social protest movements in legitimizing post-democratic coups d’état, the rejection of the West, new military alliances, and the impact of social networks in mobilizing citizens in favor of military transitions. It will use a qualitative approach to understand the current stakes of military coups in the Sahel. State of knowledge To understand military coups d’état in Africa, we need to go back to the advent of independence and the creation of armies based on nation-states. While some works have focused on military institutions and their articulation with the nation-state (Dabezies: 1986; Martin: 1986, Benchenane et al: 1986, Diallo: 1986), others have tended to emphasize the military and militarism in African societies, while taking armed force as an object of study (Souka, 2020; Hutchful, 1989). Considering the advent of democracy as a marker of the end of authoritarian regimes, the difficult resectorization of defense and security forces shows the place of armies in post-transition regimes in sub-Saharan Africa (Thriot: 2005, 2028; Bagayoko: 2018). Coup d’état sequences in the ECOWAS region and elsewhere in Africa are analyzed through the lens of deviant diplomacy, where geostrategic stakes between powers are at play (Kounouho: 2023, Lossayi: 2023, Chamkhi: 2023, Ngueuta and Ngon: 2023).


Céline Thriot, 2005, Sortir de l’autoritarisme militaire. L’analyse comparée des transitions de régime, in Hommes et Sociétés, Editions Kartala, pp. 359-375.

– 2008, La place des militaires dans les régimes post-transition d’Afrique Subsaharienne : la difficile resectorisation, in Revue internationale de politique comparée, vol.15, En ligne : https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-politiquecomparee-2008-1-page-15.htm, pp.15-34

Hutchful, Emile., 1989, Les militaires et le militarisme en Afrique. Projet de recherche, Codesria
Jean-Loup Amselle, 2022, L’invention du Sahel, Editions du Croquant, 172 pages.

Les coups d’Etat en Afrique de 1960 à 2021. Typologie, causes, conséquences et pistes de sortie durable, AGORA-Revue Congolaise de Sciences Politiques, 01, Harmattan 2023, 226 pages.

Moustapha Benchenane et al, 1986, Armées populaires, Institut Africain d’Etudes Stratégiques, pp.57-79.

Niagale Bagayoko, 2018, Le processus de réformes du secteur de la sécurité au Mali, Centre FrancoPaix en résolution des conflits et missions de paix, UQAM.

Nouffeussie Léopold Ngueuta et Cyrille Léandre Ngom, 2003, Coup d’Etat du 5 septembre 2021 en Guinée-Conakry : fluctuation entre démocratie et pratique autocratique, in Les coups d’Etat en Afrique de 1960 à 2021, Typologie, causes, conséquences et pistes de sortie durable in Revue Agora, pp. 191-222. Harmattan.

Pierre Dabezies, 1986, La spécificité miliaire, Institut Africain d’Etudes Stratégiques, pp. 9-21.
Siradiou Diallo, 1986, Les relations entre l’armée, l’Etat et le parti, et le problème des forces civiles (milice et parti), in Institut Africain d’Etudes Stratégiques, pp.11-119.
Toussaint Kounouho, 2023, La diplomatie de la déviance. Réflexions sur l’action internationale des régimes issus de coups d’Etat au Burkina Faso, en Guinée et au Mali, in Les coups d’Etat en Afrique de 1960 à 2021, Typologie, causes, conséquences et pistes de sortie durable in Revue Agora, pp 13-50. Harmattan.