Selecciona el PANEL1. Estudios Africanos y diásporas. Los casos Black Spain y Afro-Iberia
Autor/aEvelyne Nyiramatabaro
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Título de la comunicaciónA critical look at the phenomenon of war and peace in Sub - Saharan Africa.

Education for peace: A practical proposal in the Great Lakes Region

In the Great Lakes of Africa there is an additional problem apart from the bad government and the lack of democracy, which is the struggle for power between the ethnic elites. Alternation in the government could favor the practice of sharing power between the national elites.
You could reach a national pact or an agreement to reach a consensus, that makes a consensual democracy where each ethnic group has its representatives according to the percentage of each group, or impose itself to take the different ethnic and regional identities in consideration.

Keywords: Education for peace, Rwanda; genocide; reconciliation.